S G G - C M

M. Mathias TRAORÉ

Secrétaire Général du Gouvernement et du Conseil des Ministres

Mot de bienvenue du secrétaire général

Je vous souhaite la bienvenue sur cette plateforme. En effet, Le Secrétariat général du gouvernement et du conseil des ministres (SGG-CM) est un service spécifique de la Présidence du Faso placé sous la responsabilité d’un Secrétaire général du gouvernement et du conseil des ministres qui relève du Premier Ministre, Chef du gouvernement et du Président du Faso, président du conseil des ministres.
 Dans le contexte de digitalisation des technologies de communication,  nous sommes convaincus que l’internet est un outil moderne de communication qui contribuerait à l’atteinte des objectifs de communication. D’où la création de ce site web qui est un canal professionnel pour non seulement rendre visibles nos activités à travers les publications d’articles, de documents et de données statistiques, mais également offrir un espace d’échanges avec les partenaires et les visiteurs en vue de nous améliorer.
Pour ce faire, nous vous invitons à nous faire part de vos observations et suggestions constructives.
Je vous remercie.

Le journal officiel du Burkina Faso

www.jobf.gov.bf est une plateforme de publication du Journal Officiel du Burkina Faso et de l’ensemble des textes règlementaires qui y sont publiés, Cette plateforme permet, non seulement l’achat du Journal Officiel mais aussi l’abonnement sur une période donnée, Elle permet également à toute personne (physique ou morale) de soumettre une demande de publication dans le Journal Officiel.
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years Experience
Handling tough Financial tasks Giving Futures to your Investment not Just Promise, a result delivered Giving wings to financial dreams
About Us

Experts in Providing Investment Consulting Services

  • Investment Strategy Development
  • Risk Management

Every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty obligations of business it will frequently occur that.

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Client assets under advisement.

Start Your Project

The claims of duty obligationsbusiness frequently occur.

Our Services

Phenomenal Consulting Solutions

Our Growth

Beyond Ordinary

The wise man therefore always holds in these
matters to this principle of selection.

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Monthly Growth

Ever undertakes labor physic exercise except some advantage.

Take a trivial example, which of ever laborious too obtain some.

2.6k Companies & Individuals Trusted Us. View All Clients
Why Coose Us

Reason for Choosee Counsolve

Extensive Knowledge

Foresee the pain trouble all that rationally encounter

Foresee the pain trouble all that rationally encounter to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occur.

Team Approach

How all this mistaken idea any denouncing pleasure

How all this mistaken idea any denouncing pleasure to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occur.

Time Savings

Actual teachings of the great it explorer of the truth

Actual teachings of the great it explorer of the truth to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occur.

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Risk Management

One rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure all itself

One rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure all itself to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occur.

Advanced Tech

Rationally encounter that are consequences extremely

Rationally encounter that are consequences extremely to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occur.

Customized Advice

How all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure

How all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure to the claims of the obligations of business it will frequently occur.

Choose Us
We Work For

Industries We Served


Technology & Life Sciences


Banking & Financial


Commercial Real Estate



Technology & Life Sciences

Pleasure is to be welcomed & every pain avoided in certain circumstances claims of duty obligations.

  • Denounce with righteous indignation.
  • Belongs to those who fail.
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Banking & Financial

Pleasure is to be welcomed & every pain avoided in certain circumstances claims of duty obligations.

  • Denounce with righteous indignation.
  • Belongs to those who fail.
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Commercial Real Estate

Pleasure is to be welcomed & every pain avoided in certain circumstances claims of duty obligations.

  • Denounce with righteous indignation.
  • Belongs to those who fail.
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Pleasure is to be welcomed & every pain avoided in certain circumstances claims of duty obligations.

  • Denounce with righteous indignation.
  • Belongs to those who fail.
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How we works

We Plan for your Growth

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That they cannot foresee the pain trouble that are bound ensue equal blame of business .

01 st step

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Know Client Needs

Pursue pleasure rational all counter consequence that extremely painful duty or the obligations.

02 nd step

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Market Research

Takes a trivial example, which ever it undertake laborios physical exercise secure other greater.

03 rd step

Start Investing with Smart Ideas. Appointment
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  • What Does a Financial Advisor Do?

    Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every circumstances owing to the claims.

  • What industries do you specialize in?

    Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every circumstances owing to the claims.

  • Can you guarantee for growth?

    Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every circumstances owing to the claims.

  • What makes your business plans so special?

    Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every circumstances owing to the claims.

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    • Traditional Consulting
    • Portfolio Management
    • Asset Allocation